Complete summary of relevant information found in the 156 pages
(158 including the FBI deleted page sheets)
of Enclosure # I of my Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request of the Nikola Tesla FBI files.
Page numbers are sequential from the title sheet to the end
as received from the FBI.
The XXXXXX seen on some pages will indicate material
has been blacked out, some pages were %90 black!
Page #-|------DATE-----|--------FROM--------|---------TO---------|
- 1- .....Title sheet.....Nikola Tesla....MAIN FILE....156 Pages
- 2- .....Apr 3, 1950 | J. Edgar Hoover | XXXXXX |
Summary This is a letter to XXXXX form J.Edgar stating the
FBI has never been in possession of Dr. Tesla's papers.
- 3- .....Apr xx, xxxx | J. edgar Hoover | XXXXX |
Summary This is a very poor copy of another request for Tesla's
papers. This time FBI refers them to the Office of Alien Property
- 4- .....Oct 1, 1940 | J. Edgar Hoover | XXXXXX |
Summary Letter from Hoover to XXXXXX acknowledging receipt of a
letter Sep 24, 1940.
- 5- .....Jan 12, 1943 | FBI NY Foxworth | Director FBI |
Summary Dept. of Justice teletype states Tesla died Jan 8, rather
than Thursday, Jan 7 as XXXXX stated in teletype. On the night of
Jan 8, Sava Kosanovic, George Clark, and Kenneth Sweezey visited
Tesla's hotel room with a representative of Shaw Walker Co. In order to
open the Tesla's safe. Kosanovich was looking for Tesla's will. Three
asst. managers of the hotel New Yorker as well as representatives of
Yugoslavian Consulate present. Sweezey took a book. safe closed and
a new combination in the possession of Kosanovich. Saturday, Jan 9,
Gorsuch and XXXXXXX Fitzgerald of Alien Property Control went to the
hotel and seized the property of Tesla, consisting of about two
truckloads of material, sealed all articles and transferred them to
the Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Co. NY, where they are now located.
At that time there were also thirty barrels and bundles belonging to
Tesla which had been there since 1934. These also have been sealed.
- 6- .....Cont.5- Tesla also had some property alleged by INFORMANT
FITZGEARLD in this case Tesla had an invention in a safe deposit
box at the Governor Clinton Hotel. He placed it there in 1932. The
hotel will not release it till a bill is paid. They will inform
us if anyone attempts to get it. Sweezey is a writer for Popular
Mechanics and is desirous to publish Tesla's biography. Clark is
employed by RCA. A trained person should review Tesla's notes.
The name Foxworth is typed at the bottom of this page.
- 7- .....Jan 9, 1943 | FBI NY Foxworth | Director FBI |
Summary This looks like the teletype that proceeded the one
of page 5 & 6. States Sava Kosanovich was intensely disliked by
Tesla is trying to gain possession of Tesla's effects. Spanel
thinks Sava will make this information available to the enemy.
Spanel was in telephonic communication with Dr. Dlozado, an
advisor to Vice President Wallace, and was told to lose no time
in doing what he could to preserve Tesla's effects. Bloyce Fitzgearld
who had been quite close to Tesla, advised the NY office about Tesla's
death and of Sava Kosanovick, George Clark and Sweezey breaking into
Tesla's safe. Tesla told Fitzgearld he had completed and perfected his
experiments in connection with the wireless transmission of power.
- 8- .....Cont.7- Fitzgearld talks of a new torpedo and knows the where
abouts of plans. He also says that a working model that cost
$10,000 to build, is in the safety deposit box of the Governor
Clinton hotel. He thinks the model has to do with Tesla's
Death Ray or the wireless transmission of electrical current.
Bureau is requested to advise immediately what action to take.
- 9- .....Jan 11, 1943 | D.M. Ladd | Agents |
Summary This looks like a memo sent to all agents from Hoover
basically explaining everything in the two preceding teletypes.
- 10- .....Cont.9- The NY office was instructed to discuss and take
the matter up with the State's Attorney in NY City with possibility
of taking Kosanovich into custody on a burglary charge and obtain
the papers he took from the safe. It is pointed out that any activities
There is a hand written note at the bottom of this page that says
L.M.C. Smith is handling this with Alien Property Custodian so
there appears to be no need for us to mess around in it.(initials
appears to be EH.
- 11- .....Jan 12, 1943 | Edw. A. Tamm | Mr. Ladd |
Summary A memo, Mr. Tamm tells Mr. Ladd that the Alien Property
Custodian's Office will handle the matter and the Bureau should
take no action.
- 12- .....Apr 16, 1948 | XXXXXX | J. Edgar Hoover |
Summary A letter from a student at Milwaukee School of Engineering
requesting Tesla's papers so he can complete a thesis on
- 13- .....Cont.12- Letter states he knows some of Tesla's stuff is
under National Security.
- 14- .....Apr 17, 1950 | SAC NY | Director, FBI |
Summary April 7, 1950 agents interviewed Mr. L.V. Potts, vice
president of the Manhattan Warehouse and Storage Co. He relates
process necessary to gain access to things stored there. In
review of Tesla's effects, only one visit had been made. This one
session took place on Jan 26 and 27, 1943 by agents of Alien
Property to review the effects.
The Tesla effects are stored in rooms 5J and 5L of the storage Co.
Mr. Michael King the floor supervisor for 10 years states the only
time anyone examined Tesla's effects was in early 1943. He states
that at that time numerous photographs were taken with what would
tend to indicate microfilm equipment. Mr. King added that several of
group wore US Navy uniforms, the civilians were referred to as
federal authorities.
- 15- .....Cont.14- Interviewing agents explained to Mr. Potts that the
examination made as mentioned, was not instigated by the Bureau,
nor had the Bureau taken part in the examination. CLOSED
- 16- .....Aug 18, 1953 | XXXXXX | FBI Washington D.C. |
Summary A letter to the FBI requesting Tesla's effects including
personal letters, periodicals, rare books and a collection of patents
issued to Tesla. This person has contacted the Office of Alien Property
and the Bureau of Naval Research and the Dept. of Commerce with no
" -I am especially interested in the research work in which
Tesla was engaged in his later years. There are various unpublished
works, such as a 10-page typewritten statement presented in 1937 at a
meeting of several well-known editors outlining his discoveries and
giving a resume of his work in the fields of gravity and cosmic ray
research, ect. Also, Tesla prepared various papers, one of which was
in effect to secure the Pierre Gutzman Prize from the Institute of
France. My inquiry is in effort to determine whether any of these
documents, as well as others, are at this time available. "
- 17- .....Aug 26, 1952 | John Edgar Hoover | XXXXXXX|
Summary This is the standard reply used by the FBI to the request
for Tesla information to the page 16 request. It tells the requester
to contact Roland F. Kirks, Assistant Attorney General for help.
It also shows a cc. ,carbon copy to Kirks...incoming.
- 18- ......May 5, 1953 | L.L. Laughlin | A.H. Belmont |
Summary Memo about information in the book /Prodigal Genius/ which
states the FBI took Tesla's effects after his death. The memo also
refers to the request made by the student from Milwaukee (page-12)
- 19- .....Cont.18- Mr. Laughlin states he called XXXXX and told him to
contact the Alien Property office.
The book Prodigal Genius is not in the Bureau library but a copy will
be obtained and a determination can be made as to what further action
should be taken. 277 of the /Prodigal Genius/ states that
the FBI took papers from Tesla's safe. Since this work was published
inn 1944 no objection would be raised with the publisher at this time.
The individual that raised the question has been set straight. No action.
- 20- .....Feb 19, 1954 | SCA New York | Director, FBI |
Summary This is a memo about letters in the possession of Mr. George
H. Scherff, Jr. which he received from Leland I. Anderson. Mr. Anderson
was requesting any writings that Mr. Scherff may have from Tesla.
Scherff was an associate of Dr. Tesla in 1914 and that his father was
Dr. Tesla's private secretary for years. Mr. Scherff says he has quite
a bit of Tesla's writings and he does not know Mr. Anderson and wants
to if Tesla's papers would be of value to a foreign government.
- 21- .....Feb 3, 1954 | Leland I. Anderson | Mr. George H. Scherff, JR.
Summary This is a copy of the letter mentioned in the previous memo.
In the letter Mr. Anderson is asking Mr.Schreff for any papers
which he may have regarding Tesla. He states he has been collecting
Tesla's papers for some time to publish them.
- 22- .....Cont.21- This was an enclosure with Mr. Anderson's letter.
It is an outline of /Tesla-International/. An organization which
Mr. Anderson founded to bring Tesla's name back to life.
- 23- .....Cont.23- This is a photocopy of the envelop this letter came
to Mr. Schreff in. It was registered.
- 24- .....Feb 12, 1953 | Leland I. Anderson | Mr. George H. Scherff, JR.
Summary This appears to be a second letter to Mr. Schreff. Mr.
Anderson says he is glad to get a reply and goes into detail
about the people and places he been to get all the Tesla effects
he can. He is sending the first two Tesla journals to him. He is looking
for information as to the where abouts of a lady mentioned in O'neill's
book that has many Tesla documents. She feared a run in with the Army and
moved to the mid-west. Anderson writes of the sad death of O'Neill and
Edwin Armstrong. He mentions the purchase of 70 pieces of Tesla related
material of Robert U. Johnson.
- 25- .....Cont.24- States James. A. McChesney of Long Island has many
correspondence between Tesla and George Sylvester Viereck.
Anderson ask if Schreff has one of the brochures that Tesla
issued Feb 1904. It came in a large square envelope bearing a
large red wax seal with the initials /N.T./ stamped thereon.
He wants to reproduce it for the organization. Anderson writes
about the upcoming 1956 Tesla Centenary. Wants help organizing
something here in the US.
- 26- .....Cont.25- This is a REAL bad photocopy of an announcement
from /Tesla-International/ about the availability of a reprinting
of literature of some sort. That's all I can make out.
- 27- .....Cont.26- This is a photocopy of the envelope that contained
the previous correspondence. It was Special Delivery.
- 28- .....Sep 24, 1940 | XXXXXX | J. Edgar Hoover |
Summary A letter from someone concerned about an article in the
9/22/1940 N.Y. Times that made references to Tesla's Teleforce and
/Death Ray/ for planes. They were concerned someone may kidnap and
torture Tesla for this information.
- 29- .....Cont.28- This is a photocopy of the NY Times article. The author
states he has known Tesla for many years and Tesla who is 84 now, still
retains full intellectual vigor. The article goes on to explain the
/Teleforce/ and seems amazingly similar to present day particle beam
- 30- .....Mar 10, 1954 | SAC New York | Director, FBI |
Summary A memo about two letters from Leland I. Anderson which
George Schreff originally sent to the Bureau.
- 31- .....Jun 25, 1955 | Kenneth M. Swezey | J. Edgar Hoover |
Summary This letter from Swezey states that when he and Savy
Kosanovic, and others opened Tesla's safe, the only article removed
was a volume of greetings from prominent people wishing Tesla well on his
75th birthday. A set of keys and the Edison medal were left in the safe.
The safe was never opened again.
- 32- .....Cont.31- Until it arrived in Belgrade at Tesla's Museum.
Mr. Kosanovic opened the safe to find the keys and the Edison medal
were missing. The keys were later found in a box outside the safe
but the Edison Medal was never found. A duplicate for the museum is in
the works. Swezey ask the FBI to help straighten out the dis-information
about the safe opening and help find or replace the Edison Medal.
- 33- .....Cont.32- This is a photocopy of an article from Power magazine May 1955
which Swezey included with his letter. It traces Tesla's inventions
and his forgotten importance in our society.
- 34- .....Page Missing?
- 35- .....Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Summary Page two of a document marked Secret. I lost, or the FBI
didn't send page one. So I'll start here...
This document is referring to Tesla's death Jan 7, 1943 and goes
into Tesla's life and importance. States he was naturalized in 1889.
Mentions his patents on Neon and fluorescent lights, but made little
money on them, although continued to do experiments leading to devices
of great potential worth, which he never patented. He donated papers to
the Tesla Institute in Belgrade in 1930's. There were reports copies of
Tesla's effects existed in the US.
- 36- .....Cont.35- Also, the Soviet Union has had access to Tesla's papers
which influenced their research in energy weapons. Butler's
expertise is in Beam weapons and has searched libraries at WPAFB.
and is unable to find Tesla's papers. Reports have the Alien
Property Custodian shipping some of Tesla's papers to a research lab
at WPAFB. XXXXX travels to Washington DC. on FTD business and can
review FBI files at FBIHQ relating to Tesla and Kosanovic. Bureau
should consider granting XXXXX of FTD official access to files.
- 37- .....Cont.36- Leads/ New York / at New York / Cincinnati / at Dayton
Ohio. Remain in contact XXXXX.
- 38- .....Apr 1, 1981 | Allen J. MacLaren USAF | Roger S. Young FBI |
Summary This is a letter to Mr. Young thanking him for the effort
that he went to in getting Tesla's data.
This letter has FOIA # 356,608 on it. That was assigned to my request.
- 39- .....Jul 21, 1981 | XXXXX | Director, FBI |
Summary This is a request for Tesla's papers the FBI may have. The
requester's name is blacked out.
- 40- ..... Cont.39- This is page two of the lengthy request.
- 41- .....Aug 7, 1981 | Roger S. Young FBI | XXXXX |
Summary This is the answer to the request for Tesla's effects
that the FBI may have. FBI says they never had them and was forwarding
the communication to the Dept. of Justice.
- 42- .....Aug 18, 1983 | SAC, Cincinnati | Director, FBI |
Summary********. This is a HOOT!..IT'S 1983.******
.... Verbatim...
This communication is classified / Secret / in it's entirety.
Re telephone call of SA XXXXXXXX, Cincinnati Division, to Supervisor
XXXXXXXX FBIHQ, on 8/11/83.
Enclosed for Bureau and New York is one copy each of pertinent pages from
the 1981 book titled /Tesla: Man out of Time/ by Margaret Cheney, with
important passages underlined.
For information of Bureau and New York XXX-3 lines-XXX at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base (WPAFB) and XXX-2 lines-XXX also at WPAFB, have both been
in contact with SA XXX at Dayton, Ohio RA regarding possible FBI.
****Can you believe this...The FBI photocopied Cheney's book and
UNDERLINED the important parts!!!****
- 43-63.....These are photocopies of pages of/ Tesla: Man out of time/.
there are two pages of the book on each one. The main thing underlined
is relating to Sava Kosanovic's actions.
- 64- .....Nov 10, 1975 | Clarence M. Kelley | XXXXX |
Summary This is a letter from Director Kelley acknowledging
receipt of an FOIA request for Tesla's files. The letter was
forwarded to the FBI from the Dept. of Justice Oct 22.
Kelley writes the person XXXXXX that the FBI will not indicate
whether or not they have such files. Then he says a notarized
authorization from Tesla's next of kin directing the FBI to release
any information their files may contain. This does not infer that we
do or do not have the inf. you requested.
- 65- .....Oct 17, 1975 | XXXXX | Deputy Attorney General |
Summary This is the original FOIA request for Tesla's files noted
in the above page. It is to the Dept. of Justice. The person wants
to see the Tesla files if the Dept. of Justice has them and if they
don't, where are they!
- 66- .....Apr 30, 1976 | C. M. Kelley | XXXXX |
Summary A letter from Kelley thanking someone for a letter with
enclosures. A note at the bottom says the FBI never had Tesla's files
and again points to the Dept. of Justice, Alien Property.
- 67-68.....These are copies of the enclosures noted it the previous letter
They are from /Design News/. The article is about project Tesla
headed by Robert K. Golka and Dr. Robert W. Bass. The project is
about ball lightning.
- 69- .....Apr 20, 1976 | XXXXX | C.M. Kelley FBI Director |
Summary This letter states that Mr. Allen and MR. Ruchlehaus,
former acting director of the FBI, contacted XX in 1973 regarding
the unavailability of American microfilm records of Nikola Tesla's
unpublished diary. Below quoted...from letter...
At the time I discounted the possibility that these unpublished
discoveries had military significance. But because of experiments
now underway at Hill AFB, I now suspect such military applications
exist and feel it imperative that you be notified, particularly in view
of the fact that the Soviets have primary access to the ENTIRE collection
Two photos of each page exist.
After Tesla's death, scientist from the Navy and OSS performed a
cursory examination of the diary and notes, which if my memory
serves me correctly, was one month long, hardly enough time to decipher
Tesla's torturous handwriting. Though in English.
According to the museum director (1971), the Soviets had made copies of
some portions, but not the Colorado Springs diary, which number 500 pages
,20 that directly pertain to ball lightning, and 20 or so relevant to the
equipment construction. (we copied the most significant portions, but feel
more exists.
XXXXXXXX an article XXX magazine, EDN ( an electrical engineering magazine
, but only with the very recent receipt of an unpublished manuscript from
John J. O'Neill's book /Prodigal Genius/ did I place credence on Tesla's
later claim to military applications. Incidentally, some of O'Neill's
descriptions were inaccurate and exaggerated, as we have exceeded Tesla's
results and are familiar with the experiments. At any rate, there are
three possible military applications.
- 70- .....Cont.69- First, Tesla claimed that the lightning balls
(which destroyed his equipment) could be used to destroy aircraft.
XXX saw one inside his plane and most AF personal fear these
/ rf-balls/ as they call them.
Second, it is a suspicion of mine that ball lightning, if injected
with lithium, could produce a cheap fusion bomb.
Third-- and this may be no more than a suspicion-- the propulsion
mode of ball lightning involves electro-gravitic interaction by which
means air vehicles of revolutionary configuration may be constructed.
There are no presently-known laws of physics that can account for the
propulsion (400 mph or so when following an airliner). Other hitherto
unsuspected applications may exist.
None of these applications were the goal of Project Tesla, which
centered on producing ball lightning as Tesla did and studying it as
a plasma confinement technique for fusion reactors. Incidentally,
Tesla's claim to setting up standing waves on the earth's surface
(wireless power) was erroneous and involved techniques similar to
Project Sanguine, that is, using the earth's atmosphere as a wave
guide XXX is aware of our research.
Signed XXXX. P.S. I am notifying the CIA.
- 71-74.....Photo copies of Chapter 34 from John J. O'Neill's book.
I do not know if these are the unpublished pages of same or if
they are the same that appear in the published book. They mention
/lightning balls or fire balls/ and Tesla's plan to build a defense
system for Great Britain.
- 75- .....Jun 16, ???? | United States Senate | XXXXXX |
Summary A note...Please return all correspondence to the Attention
- 76-77.....Jun ?, 1976 | XXXXX | XXXXX |
Summary This is a hand written letter to someone in the Senate
Office Building, room 5241. It is a request for Tesla's papers
from a substitute Milwaukee Public School and scientist. It says
the FBI took the papers after his death.
- 78- .....Jun 23, 1976 | C.M. Kelley | Senator XXXXX |
Summary This is a letter of response to the handwritten letter on
the previous page. Tells the Senator the FBI was not involved.
- 79- .....Jul 26, 1979 | XXXXX | Mr. Webster |
Summary Another handwritten letter wanting Tesla information.
This person says he has almost everything Tesla has written and to
further his studies want's what the FBI has on Tesla.
- 80- .....Aug 6, 1979 | William L. Bailey | XXXXX |
This looks like a response to the previous letter. It says, again
the FBI has NO Tesla papers. Also goes on to say that the person
will have to make a separate FOIA request if he wants to get the FBI
documents. The letter must request documents regarding the specific
topic of interest.
- 81- .....Feb 2, 1980 | XXXXX | Mr. Bresson |
Summary A memo about disclosing Nikola Tesla information. It states
Bufile 100-2237 is mostly inquiry type correspondence. Copies of the
remaining material in the file totaling 29 pages , has been processed
for disclosure. Bufile 190-16504-4 be considered the preprocessed release
appropriate for further request.
- 82- .....Date form was printed 10/10/79/ | Thomas H. Bresson | ????? |
Summary This is a photocopy of an FBI Internal Routing Action Slip.
There is a handwritten note...I would prefer IPU being altered that
any request for Tesla file be referred directly to XXXX where upon
she would see that appropriate release is made.
- 83- .....NO date | XXXXX | Tom |
Summary This is a handwritten note... Tom- It is my understanding
that EVERY case which is completed through disclosure is /preprocessed/
IPU reading room maintains ONLY these /preprocessed/ cases which have been
deemed to have sufficient public interest to warrant inclusion in the
Reading Room. The question therefore, is : Does the Tesla material fit
the criteria for inclusion in the FOIA Reading Room? I Think not. XXX
- 84- .....Feb 9, 1981 | A. J. MacLaren USAF | Director, FBI |
Summary This is a memo from LtColonel MacLaren at the Strategic and
Space Systems requesting Tesla's papers." We believe that certain of Tesla's
papers may contain basic principles which would be of considerable value
to certain ongoing research within the DoD. It would be very helpful to
have access to his papers." At the bottom of the page are hand written
notes stating all information contained herein is unclassified 4-8-93.
It also has my FOIPA No. 356,608?
- 85- .....Mar 10, 1981 | Robert S. Young | Colonel MacLaren |
Summary This is a response to MacLaren's letter. Young's title
is ..Assistant Director in Charge..Office of Congressional and
Public Affairs. Young states that the FBI did not participate in the
handling of Tesla's papers. His papers were examined by representatives
of the Office of Alien Property, the Navy Department and the Office of
Scientific Research and Development. A complete search of our indices is
being made to determine if we have any information that might be useful to
you. A note at the bottom of the page states.. IN previous request we have said
that the Office of Alien Property of the Dept. of Justice impounded Tesla's
papers. However the Office of Foreign Litigation, Civil Division, indicates
that Dr. Tesla's papers are not in their possession.
- 86- .....Mar 20,1981 | Robert S. Young | LtColonel MacLeram |
Summary This is another letter to MacLearn further explaining that the
FBI didn't have Tesla's papers. He says the Unites States Naval Research
and the Office of Naval Intelligence were at the Jan 26,27 1943 examination
of Tesla's papers in Manhattan. It was the opinion of all there that there
was NO information in Tesla's papers of scientific or military importance.
- 87- .....Cont.86-more notes to MacLearn telling him once in Oct 26, 1945
XXXXXX( I am Sure the blanked out name is Bloyce Fitzgearld) a young
scientist who had been Tesla's protégé, called in person at our New York
Field Office. With him were XXXXX ( I have think this states three army
officers were with him.) and XXXXX from the research development unit at
Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. The men carried a letter signed by XXXXX requesting
the FBI allow the bearers of the letter access to the effects of Nikola Tesla
(65-47943-15). Young tells Maclearn to contact the other agencies for more
- 88- .....Cont.87-last note from Young. He states that from 1973-1980 the
FBI has received 20 FOIA request for Tesla's papers.
- 89- .....XXX 29, 1955 | XXXXX | XXXXX |
Summary This is a photocopy of a page from the American Srbobran
It tells of the progress of Leland I Anderson, head of the Tesla
Society headquarters at University of Minnesota, getting Dr. Tesla
proper recognition. Talks of the Teslian publication that Anderson
puts out. It mentions an article in POWER magazine
- 90- .....Jun 29,1955 | A.H. Belmont | L.V. Boardman |
Summary Mr. Belmont relates to a letter the bureau received dated
6-25-1955 from Kenneth M. Swezey which ask the FBI to help locate the
gold Edison metal which was missing from Tesla's safe when it arrived
at the Belgrade museum. Swezey mentions two publications, The Prodigal
Genius, and The Genius who Walked Alone, that state the FBI was present
at the opening of Mr. Tesla's safe the day he died 1-8-43.
- 91- .....Cont.90-Recommendation that Swezey be advised bureau did not
participate in the handling of Tesla's effects.
- 92- .....Jun 30,1955 | J. Edgar Hoover | Mr. Kenneth Swezey|
Summary This is the letter to Mr. Swezey which was recommended in
page 91. It states the FBI was not involved in Tesla's effects.
- 93- .....Aug 1, 1955 | XXX | J. Edgar Hoover |
Summary This is another letter requesting whatever material the
FBI has concerning Tesla.
- 94- .....Aug 11, 1955 | John Edgar Hoover | XXX |
Summary Answer to the letter of page 93. It states the FBI has
no Tesla effects.
- 95- .....Sep 10, 1955 | XXX | John Edgar Hoover |
Summary This is kind of interesting...This letter was written by
the same person requesting Tesla information back on page 93.
It was from a typewriter with a bad capital (M) and is easily
seen to be from the same typewriter. The letter shows XXX wrote
the office of Alien Property seeking the where abouts of Tesla's
effects after the FBI said they had no information. Mr. XXX states
he received a letter from Mr. Henry G. Hilken-that department-File
Number HGH:N SM: elk 017-3566, in which I am told that office "NEVER
HAD CUSTODY, NOR HAS VESTED, any property of Nikola Tesla".
- 96- .....Sep 20, 1955 | John Edgar Hoover | XXX |
Summary This is a short reply to the previous letter of page 95.
Restates the fact that the FBI can furnish additional information on
- 97- .....Jun 29, 1955 | The American Srbobran | XXX |
Summary This looks like a copy of a form that was printed in the
June 29, 1955 American Srbobran, Pittsburgh, Penn. It is a request
to Postmaster General Hon. Author E. Summerfield, to issue a 1956
commemorative stamp on the centennial of Tesla's birthday.
It is sad it wasn't until September 21, 1983 such a stamp was issued.
- 98-102...This is a photocopy of an article in June 1955 Coronet magazine
It is by Alfred Sinks and is quite good. It seems to be most of what
we now know of Tesla's life.
- 103-.....Sep 28, 1955 | The American Srbobran | XXX |
Summary This is a photocopy from The American Srbobran which
states a bust of Tesla will be placed at the Monastery at Libertyville
Ill. If the $3000.00 can be raised.
- 104-.....Oct 24, 1955 | The American Srbobran | XXX |
Summary This is a photocopy from The American Srbobran which
states a portrait of Tesla which was used on the cover of Time
magazine has been sold at auction and it's location is unknown.
It is 53"x48" and was painted by Princess Vilma Lwoff-Parlaghy.
- 105-106..Nov 14, XXXX | The American Srbobran | XXX |
Summary This is a photocopy from The American Srbobran which
updates the status of a bust of Tesla to be placed at the Monastery
at Libertyville, Ill. It list names and amounts of contribution.
- 107-.....Jun 23,1956 | XXX | FBI |
Summary A letter requesting information the FBI holds about Tesla.
- 108-.....Jun 29, 1956 |John Edgar Hoover | XXX |
Summary Answer to the previous letter of page 107. Again the FBI
claims to have NO Tesla information.
- 109-112 ...July 25, 1957 | SAC, New York | Director FBI |
Summary A very interesting 4 page memorandum about an informant's
story telling of a Tesla set which was finished by Tesla engineers in
1950 which enabled interplanetary communication. The set was in the
possession of a Mr.John Storm and his wife Margaret. It also tells
of a 9-22-40 New York Times article about Tesla's "Death Ray".
You will want copies of this!
- 113-.....Mar 7,1958 | XXX | J. Edgar Hoover |
Summary A letter requesting Tesla's FBI files.
- 114-.....Mar 14,1958 | J. Edgar Hoover | XXX |
Summary Reply to previous letter of page 113. The FBI has no Tesla
There is a note at the bottom of the page of interest!
"NOTE: Bufiles reflect no record on correspondent".
How about that...the FBI looks up the people that make a Tesla request
to see if they have a file on THEM!
I have seen this note on other request but just now realized the importance
of it.
- 115-158 ..The last 43 pages are 19 request for Tesla information from
June 24, 1959 - Nov 13, 1975. They are of moderate interest and
are all about the same with the same files on Tesla.
***************** THE END *******************